Homemaker Companion Service

Civility Home Care offers homemaker and companion services to individuals or couples who may have special needs or conditions that limit them to stay in their home.
This service has become popular for individuals who are aging in place or whom might also be chronically ill, recovering from surgery, or diagnosed with a disability.
Whatever the reason might be, if they are homebound, they may certainly need homemaker companion service – after all, constantly being home alone can be quite lonely. But when they’re left home alone, who’s going to do it for them? We know that you want to make sure that they are eating properly, that the dishes and the laundry get done, that the house is clean and that they are safe. That is why this service is so unique.
The agency manages and supervises the employees day-to-day and with your help of tailoring the best service plan for your loved one, we can ensure that all their needs are met. Our Homemaker Companion services includes:
- Homemaking service such as laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, household cleaning, and assistance with personal hygiene.
- Companionship service such as card playing, puzzles, conversation, walks, and games.
- Help with dressing, showering and toileting.
- Supervision to ensure safety of the client.
- Client reminders to take their medication.
You may state that you participate in programs administered by the Department of Social Services for qualifying individuals.

Personal Care Services
Civility Home Care participates in Personal Care Assistance home care program for elders administered by the Department of Social Services. As a service provider, our clients are provided with unparalleled services that enhance their quality of life in the comfort and safety of home. Carefully designing plans of service to individual needs and preferences, along with maintaining oversight, is critical to achieving positive outcomes for those who need extra support. The service is offered for the following schedules:
- Live-in schedule
- 24/7 schedule (2 twelve hour or 3 eight-hour shifts)
- Daily visits schedule and Respite